3 堂課
27 分鐘
8 堂課
109 分鐘
Unit 7-1-1 Building ARM SoC Base System (1)
15 分鐘
Unit 7-1-1 Building ARM SoC Base System (2)
13 分鐘
Lab 7-1-1 Building ARM SoC Base System
18 分鐘
Unit 7-1-2 Developing Software Application/FAT32/lwIP TFTP server for ARM SoC Base System (1)
15 分鐘
Unit 7-1-2 Developing Software Application/FAT32/lwIP TFTP server for ARM SoC Base System (2)
14 分鐘
Lab 7-1-2 Developing Software Application/FAT32/lwIP TFTP server for ARM SoC Base System
11 分鐘
Unit 7-1-3 Testing ARM SoC Base System
18 分鐘
Lab 7-1-3 Testing ARM SoC Base System
4 分鐘
15 堂課
229 分鐘
Unit 7-2-1 Build AXI-MM Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator
16 分鐘
Lab 7-2-1 Build AXI-MM Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator
16 分鐘
Unit 7-2-2 Developing Software Application for Sobel Filter (1)
21 分鐘
Unit 7-2-2 Developing Software Application for Sobel Filter (2)
23 分鐘
Lab 7-2-2 Developing Software Application for Sobel Filter
16 分鐘
Unit 7-2-3 Testing Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator (14.4 f/s)
12 分鐘
Lab 7-2-3 Testing Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator (14.4 f/s)
6 分鐘
Unit 7-2-4 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate- AXI bus bandwidth(15.2 f/s)
21 分鐘
Lab 7-2-4 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate- AXI bus bandwidth(15.2 f/s)
12 分鐘
Unit 7-2-5 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate - Adding Another Faster Clock with CDC sync (21.9 f/s)
17 分鐘
Lab 7-2-5 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate - Adding Another Faster Clock with CDC sync (21.9 f/s)
20 分鐘
Unit 7-2-6 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate – 64bits Data Width(24.9 f/s)
9 分鐘
Lab 7-2-6 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate – 64bits Data Width(24.9 f/s)
13 分鐘
Unit 7-2-7 Optimizing Area But Keeping Performance (reduce 7~11 % logic)
9 分鐘
Lab 7-2-7 Optimizing Area But Keeping Performance (reduce 7~11 % logic)
18 分鐘
11 堂課
149 分鐘
Unit 7-3-1 : Simulating Opensource PNG Decoder IP
14 分鐘
Lab 7-3-1 : Simulating Opensource PNG Decoder IP
10 分鐘
Unit 7-3-2 : Simulating Customized AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP
13 分鐘
Lab 7-3-2 : Simulating Customized AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP
15 分鐘
Unit 7-3-3 : Finding Maximum Frequency of PNG Decoder IP
8 分鐘
Lab 7-3-3 : Finding Maximum Frequency of PNG Decoder IP
6 分鐘
Unit 7-3-4 : Adding AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP into SoC Image Processor
23 分鐘
Lab 7-3-4 : Adding AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP into SoC Image Processor
20 分鐘
Unit 7-3-5 : Software Building and Testing for SoC PNG Decoder and Sobel Filter
23 分鐘
Lab 7-3-5 : Software Building and Testing for SoC PNG Decoder and Sobel Filter
11 分鐘
Homework 7-3-5
6 分鐘
1 堂課
11 分鐘
11 分鐘
十倍速設計SoC(3) - ARM SoC Image Processor軟硬體協同設計
- 如何達到十倍速設計SoC -最終章
- 本課程以6成的時間講解SoC設計的重要觀念及硬體軟體的協同工作及最佳化
- 輔以3成的時間用硬體電路及軟體SDK工具,實際練習
- 並實際以SoC FPGA電路板驗證
- 課程內容/授課方式:
- 用實例學會SoC硬體與軟體協同設計:Hardware & Software Co-design
- 更深刻理解數位IC與SoC設計,需要考慮的層面
- 包括應用/圖檔格式定義,輸出入介面規劃,滙流排週邊的設定,及軟硬體如何分割
- 7-1:先把SoC基礎設計加上可支援圖檔寫入讀取SD卡的規格/TFTP Server
- 需修改硬體/新增軔體函式庫對C/C++主程式的支援(FAT32/LWIP/TFTP)
- 之後遠端電腦(TFTP Client)可透過網路下載/上傳檔案到SoC TFTP Server搭配FAT系統由SD卡讀取/寫入檔案
- 7-2:把HLS產生的AXI4-MM Sobel Filter加入SoC滙流排
- 需修改硬體(DDR,InterConnect…)及C/C++主程式呼叫HLS自動產生的Sobel Filter的驅動程式;由SD卡讀取原始圖檔進行邊緣偵測的運算,結果再寫入SD卡
- 並由後續5個子單元逐步改進提昇Frame rate
- 7-3:增加一個開源的PNG Decoder RTL IP,
- 對接AXI4 DMA的AXI-Stream 介面,PNG圖檔由SD讀取到DDR記憶體,AXI DMA AXI4-MM 由DDR記憶體讀取->MM2S -> Streaming -> PNG Decoder -> Streaming -> S2MM ->AXI DMA AXI4-MM 寫入DDR記憶體 -> 寫入SD卡
基礎課程單元1-單元7 皆没有時間限制
- 強烈建議一定要熟悉SoC基礎:可參考已上架課程 : 十倍速設計SoC (1)
- FPGA工具下載與安裝 (參閱課程內附件)
- 了解基本的Verilog/ Design Constraint
- 了解基本的C/C++語言
- 了解基本的Linux/Windows 操作
Q&A : 需要準備電路板嗎?
- 有最好,没有也無妨 (在測試單元才有用到)
- 使用電路板測試只是做為輔助;我們的設計已驗證運作正確
- 數位前端工程師設計SoC,重點要放在模擬/觀念/軟硬體協同設計的最佳化
- 只要工具有支援的型號SoC FPGA的電路板皆可移植, 剛好驗證有沒有學會
- 課程最後會說明不同電路板的移植方法, 一定可以移植成功
- Unit 7-1 ARM SoC Base System
- Lab 7-1-1 Building ARM SoC Base System
- Lab 7-1-2 Developing Software Application/FAT32/lwIP TFTP server for ARM SoC Base System
- Lab 7-1-3 Testing ARM SoC Base System
- Unit 7-2 ARM SoC Image Processor - Sobel Filter Accelerator
- Lab 7-2-1 Build AXI-MM Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator
- Lab 7-2-2 Developing Software Application for Sobel Filter
- Lab 7-2-3 Testing Sobel Filter H/W Accelerator (14.4 f/s)
- Lab 7-2-4 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate- AXI bus bandwidth(15.2 f/s)
- Homework 7-2-4 Reading STA report and Optimizing to the Best
- Lab 7-2-5 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate - Adding Another Faster Clock with CDC sync (21.9 f/s)
- Lab 7-2-6 Improving Sobel Filter Frame rate – 64bits Data Width(24.9 f/s)
- Lab 7-2-7 Optimizing Area But Keeping Performance (reduce 7~11 % logic)
- Unit 7-3 Integrating PNG Decoder into SoC Image Processor
- Lab 7-3-1 : Simulating Opensource PNG Decoder IP
- Lab 7-3-2 : Simulating Customized AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP
- Lab 7-3-3 : Finding Maximum Frequency of PNG Decoder IP
- Lab 7-3-4 : Adding AXI-Stream PNG Decoder IP into SoC Image Processor
- Lab 7-3-5 : Software Building and Testing for SoC PNG Decoder and Sobel Filter
- Homework 7-3-5-(1)
- Optimizing Final SoC Image Processor to the Moon
- Homework 7-3-5-(2)
- Automating TFTP clients sending/receiving data with SoC Image Processor TFTP Server
- Homework 7-3-5-(3)
- Setting SoC Image Processor as TFTP Client
Unit 7-1
Unit 7-2
Unit 7-3
Lab 7-2
Lab 7-3